9:02 PM

six months old

smalls is six months old She's sitting up and trying like caraaazy to crawl. She'll lean, pop her hands down, rise up on all fours a...
5:07 PM

The capsule

I'm not sure if I'm alone here but since baby number two my body is different. Things just ain't fitting the way they used to. I...
1:58 PM

Tirimisu cake 2.0

For Myls birthday a few years ago I made him a tirimisu cake. You might have seen it, I posted a picture. It tasted delicious but was a litt...
1:12 PM

little peter rabbit

we found some leaves that had walked their way into the house the other day. They were just the right size for little rabbit ears. Lu and I ...
10:47 PM

really just like him

My heart is heavy. In the last little while some dear friends have shared sad stories with me. It's really got me thinking about this wo...
9:21 PM


  little one - always moving. riding her bike in a dress. I'm wondering when she'll get the hang of coasting. She seems to have inhe...
11:04 AM

Our day in pictures

7:00 I woke up to a drizzly grey day. Myl and I have been trying to get up early together to read the bible, pray and have breakfast. Myl lo...
4:13 PM


at granny and waa waas little one - would you like some help? No, I can do it myself. smalls - hardly sitting still. playing with all the th...
10:44 AM

a helping hand

I've got a favour to ask of you all. As part of research into women’s news media websites my friend Kate is conducting an online survey ...
9:33 PM


little one - throwing a ball round with dada. she calls it piggy in the middle. smalls - everything goes straight to the mouth. when all els...
9:00 PM

five months old

smalls is five months old. We should rename her smiles as this is what she likes to do. As it is she has been given the name Baby Norah so h...
8:18 PM

Good days and...

In our family we have some really good good days. Like Saturdays, I think we do Saturday well. It's myl's only day off and so we try...
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